Thursday, September 10, 2009

A GREAT HEALTHY meal.... Bison(Costco), w/ avocado on top. Ccook asparagus & brussel sprouts at 450,top with sea salt, flax oil, Braggs liquid amino acids (a bit like soy sauce but all natural).
WOD- Same as Tuesday.
I love seeing you girls DEADLIFTING!
13 & over
3 rounds
run 400 meters. 10 deadlift 20-30#. 10 pull-ups(jumping ok)
post time to comments.
thanks to MT. SIDE FITNESS for donating A LOT of 8 pd weights to our team!!


Sarah Williams said...

Bailey 10:06 3 rounds
Starr- 10:57 2 1/2 rounds

Unknown said...

Nicole- 9:43 3 rounds! :)

Sarah Williams said...

Kaylee, Emily, Olivia 9:24-9:27

Hannah Manis said...

I honestly don't remember!!!! Sarah help me out!!! You are THE BOM!!!!!!! That work out was so hard it was like a smack in the face!!!!

Hope to see more of this!!!

Oh can you make my family a meal plan for a family who doesn't eat veggies???!!!! I challenge you to try and do that!! But my mom and I eat our veggies but it is just my brother and dad!!!! JK JK You don't have to!!!!:)

Hannah Manis

thicketlife said...

I just got TONS of brussel sprouts in my co-op! How should I cook them?

Sarah Williams said...

cut them in half. sprinkle olive oil and sea salt on them. Parmesson too if you like (fresh is best) then bake at 450 till a little crispy. If you put bacon bit on them, its quite tasty also (not super healthy though!)
Hannah- I think you got about 9:50 who did you come in with?
its great b/c they are short workouts but it'll make you so much stronger in only 10 min! Much better than running for a hour=D.

Shanni said...

This looks good! My dad is into the healthy smoothies and stuff now so I might have him try it!

Kaylee said...

That Was a hard workout
Thanks sarah for geting us in shape!!!

Kaylee said...

That Was a hard workout
Thanks sarah for geting us in shape!!!